Tree Lopping Service in Sydney – Removal Made Easy

It may sound like the simplest thing in the world but tasks like Tree Lopping in Sydney or tree removal are not as easy as you might think they are. They can be quite complicated because they have some specific technicalities that need to be kept in mind.


You need to remove your trees with the proper technique so that the surrounding areas are not damaged and especially if the surrounding area is built up. Since there are a lot of details involved in the procedure, so here are some points to keep in mind when removing trees:

  • Plan and Brainstorm

The first step to doing anything systematically is to plan the whole thing from start to finish. You need to do some math about the damage that might be caused due to the filling process. Check the height and width of the tree and make sure that there is plenty of space for the tree to fall without damaging your property or anyone else’s property. Though the task sounds simple enough, it is always better to bring in a professional who knows how to get the job done more smoothly.

You cannot just start chopping at the trunk and tree service professional knows this, he will start with cutting the branches. Tree Pruning in Sydney has to be done from bottom to the top. Once all the branches have been cut off, go for the trunk. First, confirm whether the tree is slanting in a specific direction because that will be the direction it will fall in. From that, figure out how to avoid or significantly reduce damage to the surroundings.

The person or crew in charge of tree removal should be able to judge the best way for doing so. The planning stage also includes safety measures. Safety measures could include inspecting the area for electrical lines and plumbing lines. Lopping the tree before chopping it will ensure a neat and clean process. Surrounding areas need to be protected from any possible damage due to the falling of the tree.

Tree removal requires mechanical equipment which includes chain saws. Safety measures should also be taken when using such equipment.

  • Cutting Methods

The most basic method of chopping off branches is to use a rope and harness. The rope and harness provide adequate grip for the worker to climb the tree and cut off the branches section by section. This equipment also allows the climber to easily and steadily move up and down the tree.

Another method is the spar pole rigging method. This process is similar to the harness and rope method but additional rigging ropes are used which do not let the chopped branches of tree fall freely to the ground but slowly lowers them. This is done when there are built areas nearby or the area is closely landscaped.

Another way is to use cranes to rig the entire tree. Then, the rigging ropes are dropped slowly to loop sections of the tree rather than climb up and cut off the branches. This method is more complicated and time consuming compared to the other techniques it has the least amount of risk in it.

  • Stump Removal

After lopping, the tree is chopped with the use of machinery and then the last step of removing the stump will remain. Removing the stump is no too big a task. You can inject chemicals to dry and kill it, simply digging deeply around it to extract it or grind it using a stump grinder. Some people also remove the bark which is a more natural way to get the job done.